sofia lambrou





Itinéraires is a three-part installation reflecting on the impossibility of movement in the West Bank, weaving digital archives, photography, sound, and sculpture to map the fragmented journeys and daily navigation of Palestinians under occupation.


Itinéraires is the result of a project created during Sofia Lambrou's residency at Wonder Cabinet / Radio alHara in Bethlehem, Palestine. During her stay and travels, she witnessed the movement restrictions imposed on Palestinians in Areas A, B, and C in the West Bank due to the Israeli occupation. Itinéraires is a series of three installations created in collaboration with Palestinian artist Ibrahim Owais, who lives and works in Bethlehem. The installation, conceived in three parts, reflects on the impossibility of movement, blending digital archives, videos filmed on a phone, photographs, 3D scans, and on-site sound recordings.Wadi Al-Ramaad, Turn Left, We’ve Hit A Wall, and Directions are the three components of the installation. Wadi Al-Ramaad presents a panoramic wallpaper of the roads visible from Mount Nebo—where Moses is said to have first seen the "Promised Land"—overlaid with screenshots of a journey between Jericho and Bethlehem, along with a live feed from a Telegram traffic group projected onto a wall. Turn Left, We’ve Hit A Wall is a sculptural installation combining landscape photographs, digitized documents, and roadblock artifacts, forcing the viewer to navigate around the structure to see the fragmented images. Directions features distorted phone video sequences filmed on journeys between Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Jericho, partially obstructed by a pile of stones and speakers broadcasting an audio track blending sound recordings from these routes and the voices of two taxi drivers explaining the paths Palestinians must take.Itinéraires will be shown as part of the collective exhibition Watar Watan, produced in collaboration with exhibition curator Amine Bejaoui, photographer Paul Mesnager, and the collectives Uncivilized and Artists Against Apartheid. The exhibition will bring together a dozen artists, including Nicolas Cortes, Ines Tobji-Hader, Kmar Douagi, Sacha Colin Riviere, and Aline Deschamps, around themes of borders, exile, and displacement

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